Towards a fossil-free energy: challenges and opportunities for R&D and Industry? Find out about it at GreenWin's 7th edition of International Conférences on Green Chemistry & White Biotech
GreenWin keeps the format of its actions to the current COVID circumstances and movement restrictions. Therefore, GreenWin is setting a couple of 'Master Sessions' up, through their interactive teleconference tool. Book them now in your diary to find out the most recent innovations towards a fossil-free energy for industries.
The purposes of these Master Sessions are:
- to assess the innovative technology used to boost activities in the fields of green chemistry and white biotechnology around the world
- to share knowledge and gain new experience
- to stimulate the creation of new R&D projects involving the academic world, research centres and industrial players from the sector, both at regional and international levels
- to highlight the link between Research and Market
When: 20 & 27 May 2021 - from 9.30 til noon