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Smart Cities - 2020 Trade Mission Norway - Finland

The Nordic countries are known for being among the world's most connected countries. It is therefore normal to see these countries developing Smart Cities projects.

This topic is so broad that every industrial sector is concerned. It represents a lot of opportunities for companies and a huge potential for research and development.

That is why Wallonia Export and Investment and Digital Wallonia are organising a mission with Norway (Stavanger and Trondheim) and Finland (Tampere). Due to the sanitary conditions, the mission will be carried out digitaly in Novembre-December 2020.

The participants will have the opportunity to meet local companies, clusters, universities and other research organisations as well as to attend various conferences and B2B meetings.


#WALmissionFinNor2020 on Twitter & LinkedIn.


Fabienne PLETS (Belgium) and Dominique BLANQUET (Oslo)


For registering or for more information about the mission, please contact Fabienne PLETS,, and if you have questions about the Norwegian market, contact Dominique BLANQUET,